We provide classroom-based and theatre-based teaching for undergraduates as part of the MB BS senior clerkship block. These consist of lectures, small group practical sessions and clinical teaching inside the operating room.
Topics we teach include assessing fitness for anaesthesia, peri-operative and post-operative complications, applied anatomy and pharmacology for anaesthesia, airway management, management of shock, basic and advanced life support.
As well as traditional lectures and tutorials, we have PBL and small group sessions allowing students to practice skills learnt on high fidelity simulation mannekins. Practical theatre sessions allow students to experience the daily work of anaesthesiologists. We also run a one day resuscitation seminar allowing students to consolidate their life support skills.
With the expansion of virtual learning, we have developed moodles for interactive self-learning.
We also teach pre-operative assessment, basic life support and sedation principles to BDS students.
Every year, a number of students from overseas are attached to HKU anaesthesiology as part of their elective studies.